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1 - Feb - 2016

Get that suitcase packed!

Yes, we’ve all been there; squeezing, squashing and pummelling our travel suitcases just to get the zip done up!  And that’s on the outward journey; it’s even worse on the homeward journey having bought all sorts of souvenirs.  So, how on earth do we pack a suitcase with ease?  How do airline cabin crew and frequent fliers manage to travel so light?

Is there an art to packing a suitcase?  Business class fliers manage it, airline cabin crew can do it in their sleep, and frequent fliers handle it with ease.  So, what’s their secret?  With airlines charging for your luggage on board, we open the lid on a few hot tips to help you pack your suitcase this year.

1.    Only pack what you need.  How many times have we packed clothes or shoes or other things just in case we need them on holiday?  Truth is, we usually come back from holiday and those items are still sitting at the bottom of the suitcase untouched.  So, be strict with yourself and only pack what you will need.

2.    Learn how to fold clothes.  From rolling jeans to folding clothes flat, the neater your clothes are folded the less room they will occupy.

3.    Use bags for shoes.  Put your shoes in lightweight bags to avoid contact with your clothes and eliminate the possibility of stains.  Also, utilise the empty space within your shoes for socks and other small items.

4.    Tie up your charger cables.  In today’s technological world, you never go far without a charger for your mobile phone, laptop or tablet.  Keep them neat with cable ties and pack then into a bag.

5.    Pack your toiletries.  Make sure you have plenty of clear plastic bags for your liquid toiletries before you get to the airport, there’s nothing more frustrating than having to do it under pressure before catching your flight.

6.    Keep your clothes fresh.  If you’re travelling on a long trip, place draw liners or fabric conditioner sheets, or a small bag of pot pouri, in your suitcase.

7.    Keep essentials in easy to reach hand luggage.  Although there are mobile boarding passes, ensure you keep important documents, such as passport, itinerary and credit cards, in a safe, easy to reach place.  You may also find it handy to have a change of clothes, spare luggage tags, mini sewing kit, tweezers and other such items in hand luggage.

With these tips, packing for your holiday this year should be a walk in the park!

Heathrow Gatwick Transfers are there to provide transport at the start and end of your holiday, making it the best experience you can find!  Spoil yourself and be chauffeured to your destination, with the assurance that we endeavour to deliver the best, innovative taxi transfer service you can find at extremely competitive rates in air-conditioned vehicles to sea ports, airports and other locations.  Plus, we don’t charge you taxes, we don’t charge for using your mobile phone, and we work to provide you the best service we can in all our airport and seaport transfer services, making sure that we are fully operational, fully staffed and deliver to the highest of standards at all times, 365 days of the year, at the best possible prices!  Travelling the world to or from any airport or seaport in the South East or staying closer to home, you can rest assured that our Meet and Greet service is handled with the utmost care and attention by our professional chauffeurs, and you don’t have to worry if your flight or cruise ship is running late, we’ll be there ready and waiting, at no extra cost!  The best all-inclusive prices, and well-maintained, luxury cars that are able to carry up to eight passengers including hand and check-in luggage, without any extras… that’s Heathrow Gatwick Transfer’s legacy to you. 

By Airport Pickups London