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3 - Mar - 2016

What it  Means for UK Travel if Britain leaves the EU

The UK has a decision to make. Will they or not stay in the EU, and if they leave what effect will it have on travel? The thought of an exit from the EU has many of those in the travel industry very concerned. Here are a few insights that may help UK citizens decide which way to vote.

The travel bosses say things like it would be a threat to security, a rise in airfare, and vary damaging for Great Britain; Peter Long, Carolyn McCall, and Richard Branson have said these things respectively.

What does it mean if Britain leaves?

If Britain left the EU then they would have to negotiate with each EU member for permission to fly in their airspace and negotiate prices, so this could possibly lead to an increase in flight costs. 
Separate EU states might decide they want to focus on boosting their own local airlines, thus increasing costs to outsiders, and/or leaving them to lose any routes they may have in that country. Those that are for an “out” vote, stand behind Michael O’Leary saying he doesn’t think fares will increase, and he has said this in spite of the fact he prefers the UK to stay in the EU. 


This is a concern, that the pound may drop a bit, but the current dropping value has more to do with the dollar increasing in value and the fluctuations in the Chinese economy. It may be a little more expensive for Brits to take a holiday, but then the revers is that tourism would be up, as other places would find it more affordable.

There are a few more reasons to stay or leave the EU and we will continue to inform you.  Stay tuned! 

By Airport Pickups London