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11 - Feb - 2016

Google Cars Coming to London

Google is in early talks about testing their driverless cars on London’s city streets. So far they have only tested in Mountain View, California and Austin, Texas. To test the cars in London would be a definite step up, as it would test how the cars behave in the rain, and how they would interact with other drivers in busy traffic situations.

Google has said that their focus remains on the states, but as they expand internationally, London is likely where they would start. As the deputy mayor for transport states, they will have to work in the big cities eventually, so why not start the trials now? It is still very early but it seems that Google would seriously consider bringing their cars to London for trials.

As driverless cars are more likely becoming a thing of the future, the UK government has recently announced investing in eight driverless programs to start trialing in London. It is almost assured that this is the future of transport. 

Driverless cars, once all the kinks with software and glitches are worked out, most people feel they will be far safer. There will be no driver error and passengers would be able to focus on other things while being transported. For anyone who has seen the Google cars, they are a bit different with their very rounded shapes and their interiors that are designed for the comfort of riders, not drivers. 

When next you are traveling along the streets of London, keep an eye out; you may spot one of these vehicles testing the waters so to speak.

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