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6 - May - 2014

Man arrested for car theft at Stansted

A 31 year old man was given a jail sentence at Chelmsford crown court after being found guilty of stealing expensive hire cars from Stansted Airport. Mr Martin Olah was traced by the police after leaked reports of a conspiracy to steal expensive cars worth £200,000 around Europe. He was found to have stolen two cars from Stansted airport and unidentified number from other UK firms. Reports indicate that Mr. Olah after noticing he was being sought after by the police, fled Britain and went into hiding in his home in Czech Republic in January 2013. It was only in December last year when he returned to Britain that he was arrested. The officers at stansted quickly noticed him.

He was questioned by CID officers at the airport; he claimed to have come to visit relatives in Britain. On the theft conspiracy he pleaded guilty of being involved in the theft of seven luxurious vehicles that was worth £200,000. It was then that he was given a two and a half year prison sentence. A top CID officer who led the investigations said that Mr. Olah was part of a five man gang and that the rest of the men had been arrested and convicted last year.  The officer added that Olah had fled the country after his colleagues had been arrested. They had been tracking him since then. He only reappeared on their radar when he was involved in car theft from reputable car hire firms in Vienna, Austria.

Martin Olah was also found with a British car in his home without proper documentation hence further suspicion. His wife was found driving a luxurious vehicle in Belgium. The officer confirmed that after all gang members had been arrested, car theft in airports and car hire firms have reduced significantly.